Python Intensive Course

This course has been held as an online training course since March 2020. Further Information!

This intensive Python course starts with the basic syntax of the language, such as statements, variables, comments, conditionals and loops and proceeds with the fundamental data structures of Python, i.e. lists, tuples and dictionaries. Functions, modules and packages are covered in great detail. A main focus remains on Object Oriented Programming. Advanced topics as decorators and generators round upt the schooling. This course can be run as an in-house training as well, e.g. in Ireland, France, Switzerland, Austria, Netherland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Canada or Germany.

Target Group:
This Python course is aimed at experienced programmers, scientists and engineers with development experience in another high-level programming or scripting language such as C/C++, Perl, PHP, Tcl or others. Python knowledge is not necessary.


An intensive intermediate training in the Python language. The course provides a hands-on introduction to the Python language covering object-oriented and functional programming techniques as well.
  • The Python Philosophy
  • Fundamentals
  • Modules and Packages: Using and Creating
  • Basic Data Types
  • Data Structures
    • Lists
    • Tuples
    • Dictionaries
    • Sets
  • Branching Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • List and Set Comprehensions
  • Functions
  • Decorators
  • Generators
  • File Handling
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Python
    • Overview of Object-oriented programming
    • Objects, Instances and classes
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance and the type hierarchy
    • Polymorphism
  • Lambda, map, filter and reduce (optional, if time allows it)

  • From Mon, 12th Aug, 2024 until Fri, 16th Aug, 2024 (5 days)
  • From Mon, 9th Sep, 2024 until Fri, 13th Sep, 2024 (5 days)
  • From Mon, 14th Oct, 2024 until Fri, 18th Oct, 2024 (5 days)
  • From Mon, 25th Nov, 2024 until Fri, 29th Nov, 2024 (5 days)
  • From Mon, 9th Dec, 2024 until Fri, 13th Dec, 2024 (5 days)
  • From Mon, 20th Jan, 2025 until Fri, 24th Jan, 2025 (5 days)

Duration of the course:
5 days

The fees for this Python course per day:

€405 per day (exclusive of VAT)
Toronto, Canada:
$567 per day (exclusive of HST)
Lake Constance, Hemmenhofen, Germany:
€405 per day (exclusive of VAT)
plus € 139 for full board and lodging in 4 star hotel
Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin (Germany):
€431 per day (exclusive of VAT)
Zurich and Geneva (Switzerland):
£431 per day (exclusive of VAT)


The price comprises:
Comprehensive course material

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